Thursday, September 13, 2007


School is a-ok. It's my second day at school cuz I onlu go Tuesdays and Thursdays the whole day. I'm taking my upper-division courses which mainly compose of a bunch of subjects that you don't really have to know but you are forced to know in order to graduate. Idk. I've been in college for almost 7 years now and I hope to graduate in a couple of years.So I got there early and I'd rather let my brother drop me off than drive because of the parking space!It took me 30 mins to get a pretty decent space allll the way at parking lot A and my class had already started.
blooody merde. My class had totally filled up so I had to go sit in the back while my Monica Lewinsky-look-alike professor ranted on and on about drugs, crime and the society. Smoking marijuana, I learned, wasn't illegal until stereotypes had to do somethinh about it.

Plus yeh, books are expensive unlike in Phil where i could get the book xeroxed
cuz it's a 3 unit subject and you don't really need books for that. My other theme class was fun.We get to watch movie clips and decipher whether the music was an underscore,source music or whatnot.I didn't know that Hitchcock's Psycho took place in Bakersfield circa the 1960's.