Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Nicole's friendster profile....

Nicole, people call her Nicky; a soon-to-be-
eighteen, delusional, quirky,enigmatic 17 year old; 5 feet
large brown
eyes; with tangled, lemon scented hair; eldest among four
brothers; only girl; unica ija of my dad; just your
average teenager; plain jane;
eccentric; weird; sarcastic; happy-go-lucky; cynical;
opinionated; straightforward; I’ll-tell-you-if-i-don’t-
you type of girl; could be perky when you tell her; too
aesthetic; religious by nature; typical gung-ho person;
natural born procrastinator; funny when pissed; have very
intense moodswings; aspiring web designer; thinks she’s
supergirl; t.v. and internet junkie; has the ability to
drive you insane; thinks that Tibet should be freed;
believes that being talented takes whole a lot of skill;
loves hot fudge sundaes; loves the
pink; ‘taray’ streaked; could live with burger king and
lots of fries; rants whenever she feels like it; just
another face in the crowd; a constant daydreamer; hates
being the center of attention; perfectionist; likes rainy
days; feels overwhelmed when some anonymous admirer sends
her orange flowers; pissed when people misspell
her name; hates people who say things that don’t make
sense; forgives people for no apparent reason ( well, the
guy thwacked you in the back); says ‘uh-huh’ and ‘no way!’
all the time; has very vivid
imagination; reads
paperbacks; wishes she were fearless; prefers to be locked
up in her room; tries on a million different clothes
she wears them- ends up picking the ugliest clothes ever;
hates everything she owns; hates the word ‘fisticuffs’,
a best friend; nothing special; jumps up and down when
happy; happy with her friends, online and offline; happy
with life

umm, what else? u decide...

needs extensive rewrite. i feel that i am vain....